© 19 June 2022 by Michael A. Kohn
Link to the pdf of this article
Introduction | Problem and Definitions | Propositions 1 – 7 | Bayes’s Billiards | Endnotes | References
Bayes’s “Billiards”
Original text
POSTULATE. 1. I suppose the square table or plane to be so made and levelled, that if either of the balls
be thrown upon it, there shall be the same probability that it rests upon any one equal part of the plane as another, and that it must necessarily rest somewhere upon it.

[The web version of this article ends here. ]
Link to the pdf of this article
The pdf of this article includes the rest of this section on Bayes’s Billiards and sections on Propositions 8-10; Rule 1 [Solution to the Problem]; Richard Price’s Appendix of Numerical Examples; My Addendum on Bayes’s Real Rule; Endnotes; and References.